Organics: Final Winter Opportunity to Visit with Us!
Final Winter Opportunity to Visit with Us! Plus, Exciting Announcements
By now, if you’re not craving some extra sunshine and warmth, then you were built for winter! Between polar vortexes and more ice than I can recall, this winter has been a good one for hibernating and researching organic strategies to improve your production.
While we can’t wait for spring too, we’re still hunkering down in these final weeks of winter to help you plan for the growing season ahead. We encourage you to brave the weather one last time and hit the road as we’d love to see you at our last conference of the season: The 2019 Indiana Organic Grain Farmer Meeting. West Lafayette, Indiana, March 6-7, 2019
Exciting announcements
At The Andersons, we are committed to developing products, services and tools that will advance your organic crop’s quality, yield and economic return. In this spirit, we’re happy to share what’s new in 2019:
The Andersons Cost of Production Interactive Website
Use this tool to explore comparisons between your conventional and organic returns on investment. The model was built with a Midwest input-intense organic scenario in-mind, but the tool is adaptable to fit your personal expenses and grain contracts. Check it out here and let us know what you think: https://andersonsfood.com/organic. We’d love to hear your feedback!
2018 Organic Field Trial Results
For the second year, The Andersons conducted field trials of our organic products at sites in Wisconsin and Ohio, and for the second time, Humic DG had an increase of 10 bu/ac at the rate of 10 lb/ac. The Humic DG was applied over the top of the row at the time of planting. Also, worth sharing, The Andersons hopes to bring an organic liquid row starter (2-8-2) to market in the near future. As seen in the data below, yield increases of 8 and 11 bushels/ac were observed at the rates of 5 and 10 gallons in furrow. We will be conducting on-farm trials in 2019 to expand our understanding of how this liquid performs on real organic farms.

If you have any questions or comments about these announcements, please don’t hesitate to contact us, png@andersonsinc.com. Enjoy the rest of your winter and happy planning before the tractors roll!