Organics: April Update
Spring has sprung and from here on out, it will be busy until planting is complete! For organics, the work does not stop once the seed is in the ground; cultivation passes begin, along with field monitoring for weeds and insects.
If you are a procrastinator and haven’t acquired your nutrients yet, or are short in your supply, we have bulk MOP 0-0-60 and SOP 0-0-50 organic certified products stocked at our Waterloo, IN warehouse. Plus, with a week’s lead time, we now have the capacity to bulk bag these amendments for you!
In addition, we have 2000 lb bulk bags of the following OMRI-certified products available at Waterloo, IN:
- Humic DG™ (pelletized humic acid)
- Black Gypsum DG® (pelletized humic acid and gypsum)
- NutraLime® Hi-Cal OP (pelletized lime)
- NutraSoft® OP (pelletized gypsum)
Chilean Nitrate (15-0-2), which has been one of our best sellers for supplemental nitrogen post-planting, is available in 2,645 lb bulk bags.
We also have 40 lb and 50 lb bags of Humic DG, Black Gypsum DG, NutraLime Hi-Mag OP, NutraSoft OP, Biomend 5-5-5 and Biomend 10-0-6.
If you are looking for an organic liquid biological to apply in-furrow, 2x2 or over the top, CX1 by Purple Cow is available. CX1 is a liquid extract from a carbon-based culture media. Its thousands of diverse microbes are derived from plant-based compost. This microbial biology is then suspended in liquid so that it is a flowing solution. The microbes become activated upon contact with a food source such as a humic acid, fulvic acid, molasses or a fish-based product. Incorporation with soil organic matter (which contains humic and fulvic acid in a well-functioning, thriving soil) can also activate CX1, though an additive like Fulvic LQ™, a fulvic acid, is recommended for best results.
CX1 is available in 275 gallon totes. Smaller volumes are not available at this time. The product may be used in multiple application timings such as at planting or with a foliar spray application. Do not allow CX1 to freeze and ideally, use it within the same growing season as purchased (within 6 months of manufacturing date) in order for the biology to provide the most efficacy to your crop.
CX1 is an easy to handle, almost odorless product (unlike several unpleasant smelling extracts on the market!). We have tested organic liquid biologicals for over 3 years and have been impressed with CX1’s results. Yield increases have averaged over 10+ bushels per acre in organic corn trials, at a recommended rate of 5 gallons per acre.
For more information about CX1 or product availability out of Waterloo, IN, please contact png@andersonsinc.com. We wish you success in the coming weeks and are here to support your nutrient needs, if necessary. Happy spring planting from The Andersons!

Dani Kusner has worked in biological and organic farming systems since graduating from the University of Dayton with a Bachelor of Science in sustainability studies. She worked at the Rodale Institute and consulted with growers in both Canada and the United States. Dani worked for The Andersons from 2016-2021 and is still an active advocate and resource for organic growers.
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