February Organics Update
We’re making progress in organics and have a lot of exciting developments that we’ll be announcing in the coming months. While we realize you may be busy with pre-season planning activities, we want to keep you informed of these updates and let you know that we’re here to service your organic needs. If you missed our January announcement on our Waterloo expansion, here is a quick summary.
As mentioned, we expanded our organic storage in Waterloo, IN, to meet the growing demand for bulk organic nutrients in the Eastern Corn Belt and Midwest. Through a partnership with Intrepid Potash, we are now selling OMRI Listed granular Muriate of Potash (MOP 0-0-60) from the Waterloo facility.
MOP is ideal for growers who are looking to add potassium to their organic fertility programs. It provides high-grade potassium for maximizing energy efficiency for application. Intrepid MOP has the added benefit that it is produced using natural, sustainable methods and resources.
Other organic-approved products currently available at Waterloo include The Andersons NutraLime® OP, NutraSoft® OP, Humic DG™, Black Gypsum DG®, and SmartPhos® DG Natural; as well as Chilean Nitrate, organic sulfur, and organic boron.
Look for additional updates in the coming weeks and months on the Waterloo facility. We are working to add organic blending and bulk-bagging abilities at this facility. This means any of our bulk products, such as MOP and eventually sulfate of potash (coming later this spring), will be available in 2000# bulk bags if growers are unable to handle bulk. For more information about sales and service from the Waterloo organic warehouse, please email png@andersonsinc.com.

Dani Kusner has worked in biological and organic farming systems since graduating from the University of Dayton with a Bachelor of Science in sustainability studies. She worked at the Rodale Institute and consulted with growers in both Canada and the United States. Dani worked for The Andersons from 2016-2021 and is still an active advocate and resource for organic growers.
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